Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Teaching little ones to sew

Yesterday my great niece Danielle who proudly tells  you she is six came for her first sewing day.  She is so little my first challenge was finding a way to set up a sewing machine so she could reach the pedal.  I finally put my little Janome Jem on an end table and then found a box to put the pedal on so she could sit on a chair, see the machine and use the pedal.  First I had her just sew lines on paper.  She had to learn her rules.  Rule one, of course, was don't let your fingers get near the needle.  She did well making the machine go, so then we  drew straight and curved lines on the paper and she learned about the machine's ankle, feet, and toes and to keep the lines between the toes.  She really did pretty well at that.  Then I cut a piece of muslin and found some little squares of fabric I had received as samples and had her glue the squares to the muslin.  After a break, she sewed the squares down on the muslin trying out different stitches on the machine.  She had a fun day and went home with a doll quilt for the Barbie she had brought along.  The best part was that she said she wanted to come back and sew some more. 
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